What began as a WISH has turned into a MISSION
Sophia’s story has made an impact in multiple ways. Her story was shared to increase awareness and help improve medical treatments. Her clinical trial outcomes will continue to affect future options. Amy has led numerous fundraisers, primarily to influence pediatric cancer research funding along with other initiatives. See our list of partners here for who we support and have collaborated with through mermaid events. Our work is not done yet. Sophia continues to shine.
Where Toasting to Mermaids Began
While on Sophia’s Make-A-Wish trip to swim with mermaids, we created the on-going tradition of “toasting to mermaids” when we raise our glasses with friends.
Toasting to Mermaids with Keith Urban
Keith Urban was one of Sophia’s favorite musicians. He was our favorite to toast to mermaids with on stage!
Best Day Ever
During Sophia’s final months with us, she asked for another dog. Pets for Patients helped us find the perfect companion.
FDA Public Hearing CAR-T Cell Therapy
Just three months after her passing, Sophia’s story influenced the unanimous FDA approval of the biggest breakthrough in pediatric cancer treatment.
Kymriah (formerly referred to as CAR-T Cell Therapy) Awareness
Increasing awareness for new, nonconventional cancer treatment options.
Pediatric Cancer Research Funding & Awareness
In 2018, Amy broke the record in Cincinnati for the LLS Man Woman of the Year Campaign by raising $230,000 in just 10 short weeks.
Supporting Partners
Amy and Greg shared Sophia’s story for an incredibly special CancerFree Kids event.
Hometown Support with Purple & Orange
See how our amazing community lifted our family during our most difficult days.
Ori Spotlight Podcast
There is no set timeline to grieving the loss of a child – for Amy and her family, accessing the right resources to support them during this period was challenging. In memory of Sophia, the Foundation supports a community of families grieving the loss of a child, providing services and resources with the goal to help families regain joyful moments in their lives.